Please carefully read the below steps prior to proceeding with the payment of the registration fee;
Step 1 : If you are a Presenter to the Conference, please ensure you have received the letter of Acceptance of your reviewed Abstract.
The remaining steps are applicable for both Presenters and Non-Presenters.
Step 2 : Please ensure you have registered to the Conference completing the Online registration form.
Step 3 : Please check if you have received an invoice to proceed with the payment and the information on the invoice is accurate.
Payment Options
There are two options available for the participants to process the payment of the Conference registration fees. They are as follows;
- Via the Online Payment System.
- Via Bank Transfers.
Online Payment
- Upon completing the Online registration form, you will be receiving an invoice from the Conference Secretariat stating the amount to be paid in full. The invoice will have a customized link to proceed with the payment which you could click and action in accordance.
- You would be able to find a PAY NOW button in the Website and you could click on it and proceed with the payment.
- When the payment is processed through the Online Payment system, please be informed an additional 3% will be incurred as the bank transaction charge and will be automatically calculated once your information is completed in the portal for payment. The total is required to be paid including the mentioned charge.
- If your transaction was not approved and failed, please duly inform your card holding bank to permit international payments to be processed from the said card. Upon receiving the confirmation from the bank, you could proceed with the payment.
- Once the payment is completed and successful, please email the Conference secretariat with the generated copy of the receipt for reference.
Bank Transfers
Please use the below bank information to process the payment in accordance;
Due to the presence of an International Transaction cost, please add an addition of US$ 5 to ensure the registration fees is paid in full.
- Once the payment is completed and successful, please email the Conference secretariat with the copy of the receipt/payment proof for reference.